Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mtn Game 150mb free browsing Tweak

Mtn Game 150mb free browsing Tweak

This is now trending that is new mtn game 150mb data bundle but this isnt music plus but rather game plus.

How to get Mtn 150mb Game data 

To receive mtn game 150mb data, sms GM to 2200 and 150mb will be given to you.

How to Renew MTN Game 150mb
SMS stopGM to 2200
Then sms GM to 2200
For Data bal *559#

Mtn Game 150mb Settings with psiphon handler, Netify, syphon shield handler, ProNet. 

Proxy type - real host
Proxy server -

Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject or http

Option menu:
Host ip and port 8080

This is the settings for mtn game 150mb data bundle and not you cant get it twice unless you are lucky enough.

Available link for download

alternative link download