Saturday, January 21, 2017
How to Root Tecno L5 M3 Mini Gionee Long Awaited For Die Hard Root Users Enjoy
How to Root Tecno L5 M3 Mini Gionee Long Awaited For Die Hard Root Users Enjoy
Rooting some Smartphones can be a difficult task. Tecno l5 is one of those Android Phones programmed to give tweakers tough time but weve found a way to go around it and root Tecno L5. Ill show you how to do so in this post. Root Tecno L5
==>PC with enabled internet connection
==>Patience in following
==>SP Flash tool

How Can I Root Tecno L5?
==>Download here and save it to your phones SD card
==>Download the ported TWRP for Tecno L5 here
==> Unzip the TWRP zip file and flash the recovery image to the phone using SP flash tool ( You can download Download new MediaTek SP Flash Tool v5.1516 ~here or HERE) IT WORK SUPERB 4 TECNO L5
Also Read: New Latest MediaTek SP Flash Tool v5.1516 & MTK Droid Root & Tools v2.5.3
How Can I Flash it Using SP Flashtool? Please see guide here==>Boot the phone into TWRP recovery mode (by Holding the Vol Up and Power button for 5 seconds)
==>In TWRP recovery, Choose install zip from sdcard- to Choose zip from sdcard use vol up and down scroll up and down then choose the file from the root of your sdcard.
Scroll to yes and install, after a successful flashing go back and reboot.
You have now rooted your L5! To be fully sure your Tecno L5 is rooted, Download HERE Root checker to confirm root or Other Root Checker
Credit to Hovate
How to Root Gionee M3 Mini
This is just a simple guide to all those who uses Gionee M3mini, on how to root your device. Just follow the guide and I promise you wont be lost.
==>PC with enabled internet connection
==>Patience in following
==>SP Flash tool
==>PC with enabled internet connection
==>Patience in following
==>SP Flash tool

How Can I Root Gionee M3 Mini?
==>Download here and save it to your phones SD card
==>Download the ported TWRP for Gionee M3mini here
==>Download the ported TWRP for Gionee M3mini here
==> Unzip the TWRP zip file and flash the recovery image to the phone using SP flash tool ( You can download SP Flashtool here)
How Can I Flash it Using SP Flashtool? Please see guide here
==>Boot the phone into TWRP recovery mode (by Holding the Vol Up and Power button for 5 seconds)
==>In TWRP recovery, Choose install zip from sdcard- to Choose zip from sdcard use vol up and down scroll up and down then choose the file from the root of your sdcard.
Scroll to yes and install, after a successful flashing go back and reboot.
You are now rooted! To be fully sure your Gionee M3mini is rooted, go straight to Google Playstore and download root checker to verify your root status.
Are you still confused? Ask your questions.
==>Boot the phone into TWRP recovery mode (by Holding the Vol Up and Power button for 5 seconds)
==>In TWRP recovery, Choose install zip from sdcard- to Choose zip from sdcard use vol up and down scroll up and down then choose the file from the root of your sdcard.
Scroll to yes and install, after a successful flashing go back and reboot.
You are now rooted! To be fully sure your Gionee M3mini is rooted, go straight to Google Playstore and download root checker to verify your root status.
Are you still confused? Ask your questions.
Credit - Team Hovatek
Available link for download
alternative link download