Saturday, March 18, 2017

How To Create Multiple Accounts on Instagram

How To Create Multiple Accounts on Instagram

 Instagram, the popular photo sharing social media platform, have recently announced the ability to run multiple accounts on your device. Its time to say goodbye to third party apps like Instwogram which enabled users run up to two Instagram accounts on one device. This is a welcome idea especially for those who want to run a Brand page alongside a personal account. The announcement was made on their official blog.
 The new addition is available for Android and iOS devices running the latest Instagram version 7.15. Also, it enables you to add up to 5 different accounts and quickly switch between them without having to log out of any of the accounts.

Download Instagram v7.15 from Google Play

How To Create Multiple Account

Make sure you have the latest Instagram version 7.15 installed on your device.
==> Go to Profile Settings
==> Add the new Accounts
==> To switch, just tap your username at the top of your profile

Note that you will see your profile photo appear in different places on the app so you know which account you are currently using.

What do you think? Are you gonna use the multiple accounts or not? Its up to you to unleash that alter ego. 

Available link for download

alternative link download