xenoverse 2 you can't win
Make it ezy 4 me, just get used to me calling em z souls. problem...solved! -mais clothes: finish the quest (guarenteed drop) -you can't win: murder ssj3. I can easily destroy my mate in pvp who has like 180 tp but i can't win a single ranked match... i either end up getting blasted in the face by a kamehameha that. Dragon ball xenoverse 2. if you wanna do that go for potential unleashed, with gohan's new super soul 'you can't win!' you gain a large boost to all damage. #10. tar. In dragon ball xenoverse 2 there are 100 parallel quests the player must complete and replay the key events from dragon ball look at you! how cool! you can t win;. Official xenoverse 2 gamehub: in your opinion, what are the top 5 z souls? you can't win. how does auto just guard work?.
xenoverse 2 you can't win
xenoverse 2 you can't win
"you know you can't win! in xenoverse 2, after future gohan manages to defeat future android 16 with the assistance of the future warrior,. For dragon ball: xenoverse 2 on the playstation 4, a gamefaqs message board topic titled "can't win online".. For dragon ball: xenoverse on the playstation 4, a gamefaqs message board topic titled "z soul "you can't win""..